Articles About Personal Finance

Tips for Searching Through Canadian Loan Lenders

The right loan lender means a lot, so choose the right one that works with you. Reading more on each of the companies and keeping these tips in mind can help you make the right choice on which financial institution you should go with. We’ve compiled the information you need to know to choose the best Canadian loan lender for your situation. Read on to find out more and make the most informed decision on who to go with for your loan.

Onlia Saves Ontarians Time and Money With Self-service Insurance Options

One insurance provider is following the self-service trend, providing Ontario residents with an opportunity to save on home and car insurance by cutting out the broker and doing it themselves. Founded in Toronto in 2018, Onlia provides a more affordable and more flexible insurance option for Canadians who want to avoid the added hassle and expense of dealing with a broker.

Want to Know Your Credit Score? Check it in 2 and a half minutes

Whatever the need to know your credit score, or even if you don’t have a need; knowing the number and how to make it better is going to help you with many things throughout life. Find out more about credit scores and how to check it in just two and a half minutes or less.

Why Did My Credit Score Drop and How to Fix it?

Credit scores can drop for any reason, at any time and if you’re not sure why then it might be time to do some checking to find out what happened. Once you know, you’ll have a better way of knowing what to do about it.

We will go over some of the more common reasons why your credit score dropped and ways you can go about being able to fix it.

What is a Wire Transfer and How Do I Do One?

Learning more about wire transfers can help you understand more about this process and if it is the right one for you to use. We’ve gathered all of the information you need to make the most informed decision on wire transfers and all that they come with.

Canada’s Most Popular Digital Bank Accounts Are Here

Most Canadians have at least 1 bank account which they use to save money or to achieve other purposes. You don’t find so many people holding cash anymore. Huge transactions are made via a debit or credit card. Although banking is essential, many Canadians don’t enjoy keeping their money in traditional banks because of the fees involved. So, to help you make better choices with banking and increase your returns, we’ll be looking at Canada’s most popular digital bank accounts for keeping your money safe and increasing your earnings. Click on any of the banks to explore their full profile and start banking.

How to Open A Bank Account

In Canada, there are many different options available when considering opening up a bank account. Bank accounts are available at all Canadian banks, trust companies and credit unions and they offer individuals a safe and reliable place to keep their money.

Here Are 15 Ways to Earn Income Online and Offline In 2021

The gig economy is the arena where workers get gig work; that is, flexible and temporary jobs where people commonly work as freelancers and independent contractors. Despite the rise of this new economy, people are still unaware of what it means and where it is going.

Why Do You Need a Budget?

Do you receive income monthly but find yourself spending much more than you make? Or do you have no idea about how your money disappears every month? One of the ways to fix this is by creating a budget and sticking with it. It already sounds difficult, but there’s a way to create a budget that doesn’t cause you to change all your habits overnight. Before we look into that, let’s see the reasons why you need to create a budget that works for you.

How to Succeed as a Freelancer

Many people dream of working on their own – of not having to answer to an employer for their daily pay. However, working as a freelancer also carries some risk. Nonetheless, you can find the means today to succeed in a freelance capacity, whether you choose writing, editing, accounting, or providing a similar professional service.