Best Personal Loans in Saskatchewan for September 2024

A personal loan can be an extremely useful tool in a variety of situations, and residents of Saskatchewan have access to a number of personal loan lenders. But not all are created equal; to ensure the best loan journey possible, you need to find a reputable personal loan lender with competitive personal loan rates.

That’s where we come in; we have searched the market and compiled a list of the most trustworthy personal loan lenders, with the best personal loan rates in Saskatchewan. You can complete an online application form to get a personal loan easily, simply by clicking on one of the providers shown below. What are you waiting for?

More About Getting a Personal Loan in Saskatchewan

How to get a personal loan in Saskatchewan?

Getting a personal loan in Saskatchewan need not be a burdensome process. Thanks to the prevalence of online personal loans, you can quickly and easily research, compare and apply for Saskatchewan personal loans, all from the comfort of your own home. To get started, you’ll need to decide what type of personal loan works best for your situation. You can find out more about the different types of personal loan below. Once you know the type of loan you need, you can find personal loan lenders in Saskatchewan that offer this type of loan, and whose eligibility criteria you meet. These criteria may relate to income, credit score, or other financial factors. Having chosen an appropriate personal loan lender, you can then complete a simple loan application form. If your application is approved, you’ll get a loan offer that details the full terms of your loan. 

Where to get personal loans in Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan personal loans are available from a number of lenders, many of whom have brick-and-mortar locations, and almost all of whom are online. In fact, the availability and competitiveness of Saskatchewan online loans means that nowadays, basically all personal loans can be accessed online, even if they originate in your local bank! Some personal loan lenders in Saskatchewan offer many different types of personal loan (and this includes banks, credit unions, and online lenders), while other lenders specialize in one type of loan (for example, mortgage companies, payday lenders, auto dealerships, and so on). And each lender has their own eligibility criteria, terms, and benefits. This means that finding the right private personal loan lender in Saskatchewan is more complex than just finding the best Saskatchewan loan interest rates.

What are the types of personal loans you can get in Saskatchewan?

Borrowers in Saskatchewan can access many different types of personal loan, including:


As you can see from the breadth of possible options, personal loans in Saskatchewan exist to fill every need, from covering the cost of a new purchase, to helping you get out of debt more quickly. It’s important to remember though that while personal loan lenders in Saskatchewan offer many different types of loan, not every lender will offer every type of loan, and not every lender will work with every borrower. 


In order to be able to access any given loan, you need to find a lender that offers it, and then qualify under the lender’s terms. While every lender has their own terms, and every type of loan has slightly different terms too, there are some generalities you should bear in mind. Larger Saskatchewan loans, such as mortgages, home equity lines of credit, and car loans, tend to be secured. This means they use an asset (such as your house or car) as security against the loan. So if you don’t have any valuable assets, you may not be able to get a secured loan. Small loans in Saskatchewan tend to be unsecured and have less stringent qualification criteria, making them more generally accessible, but also shorter term and sometimes more expensive too.

How much money can I get from a personal loan in Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan personal loans can be for many thousands of dollars, or just a few hundred, depending on what type of loan you apply for and your financial profile. The typical size of an unsecured personal loan is between $5,000 and $20,000, but larger amounts are available to those with a high credit score, good income, or who provide collateral to make it a secured loan.

What can personal loans be used for in Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan personal loans can be used for many different reasons, and the majority of private loan lenders in the province do not put any restrictions on the funds released by their loans. This means that you can use a personal loan in Saskatchewan for:

  • Debt consolidation
  • A vacation, wedding or other big expenditure
  • Bills or unexpected expenses
  • Home or vehicle repairs
  • Cash flow
  • Tuition costs
  • Any other reason


As long as you make your loan repayments on time, and do not violate any of the terms of your loan, then you can use the funds from your personal loan in any way you see fit. This is true of online personal loans, payday loans, installment loans, personal lines of credit, home equity lines of credit, and emergency loans.


There are however a couple of types of Saskatchewan personal loan that are specially designed for specific purposes. A great example of this is a Saskatchewan auto loan. While an auto loan is a type of personal loan, and is structured in much the same way as other types of installment loan, it is purpose-built to suit the financing needs of a vehicle purchase. This means that if you are looking to use a personal loan to buy a car, you may get better terms through an auto loan than you would through any other type of personal loan. So it’s always worth thinking about what you need cash for, before you choose your loan.

What is a good interest rate on a personal loan in Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan personal loans have interest rates ranging from as little as 5%, to as much as 50%, and the rate you are likely to get for your personal loan may lie anywhere within this range, depending on a few key factors, including:

  • Your credit score
  • Your income
  • Your existing debt levels
  • The type, size and term of loan you apply for
  • The private loan lender in Saskatchewan you apply to
  • Bank of Canada base rates


As you can see, what’s a good interest rate for you will vary a lot over time, between lenders, and between loan types. The average interest rate, right now, on an unsecured installment personal loan in Saskatchewan is around 9%, but borrowers with good credit may be able to access rates around 7%. Secured loans may have even lower interest rates than this.

What factors affect personal loan interest rates in Saskatchewan?

As mentioned above, a number of factors influence Saskatchewan loan interest rates; some of these are borrower-specific, and some loan- or lender-specific. As such, some of the factors are within the borrower’s control, while others are not. To maximize your chances of obtaining the best possible loan rate for you, it helps if you understand how your decisions may affect your future personal loan rates.


For example, those with excellent credit will always be able to access better interest rates on loan products than those with poor credit. You can maintain a good credit score by paying your bills and debts on time, minimizing credit applications, and checking your credit report regularly to detect and report any errors. 

How do I find the best personal loan rates in Saskatchewan?

Finding the best personal loan rates in Saskatchewan is easier than it used to be, thanks to the availability and prevalence of online personal loans. But looking online doesn’t mean you’re restricted to online personal loan lenders – almost all private lenders for personal loans in Saskatchewan will list their loan products and typical terms and conditions online. This means that you as the borrower don’t need to go anywhere in order to shop around. You can use comparison websites, for example our table above, to see and compare Saskatchewan personal loans. By doing this, you can be sure you’re seeing and choosing the most competitive Saskatchewan loan interest rates.

What factors to consider when comparing personal loan lenders in Saskatchewan?

Private personal loan lenders in Saskatchewan often use eye-catching incentives to attract people to their personal loans, but choosing the right lender means more than simply finding the lowest offer. With so many options to choose from, you need to properly compare all of the private loans in Saskatchewan. You can do this by looking at three key areas:

1. Available Loans

Not every private loan lender in Saskatchewan will be able to offer a financial product that’ll suit your needs. This means you need to compare lenders by:

  • What types of loan they offer
  • Their borrowing maximums
  • Available repayment structures
  • Application processes and typical processing times
  • Loan costs, including interest rates and fees

2. Eligibility Rules

Similarly, not every private loan lender in Saskatchewan will work with every borrower; each lender has their own eligibility criteria relating to whom they will loan money to. You therefore need to assess potential lenders’ applicant requirements to find those you meet. Then you’ll be left with a list of lenders who offer suitable loans, and who are likely to approve you for a loan.

3. Reputation

The final consideration when assessing lenders is their reputation. Going with a Saskatchewan personal loan provider that can offer you a loan, but that has terrible terms, poor customer service or murky business practices is not a smart financial choice. Look at:

  • Lender reputation
  • Lender customer reviews
  • Lender customer services (e.g. type, opening hours, etc.)
  • Lender terms and conditions

How do I qualify for a personal loan in Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan personal loans have a range of potential qualification criteria, depending on the lender you go to. This means that whilst not every lender will approve every borrower, almost everyone will be able to get a loan from somewhere. The only absolute definites are:

  • You must be 18+ years old
  • You must be a resident of Saskatchewan and able to prove it
  • You must have an active bank account


You will need to check if any other factors, such as credit score or income, are taken into account, on a lender-by-lender basis. As a broad guideline, you can assume most will want to see some form of income, and many perform a credit check.

Smarter Loans Staff
Published: 12/12/2016
Last Updated: 30/09/2024

Jenna West
On: 30/09/2024

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