For every problem there lies a solution, and personal finance challenges for millennials are no exception. Millennials make up the generation of people born roughly between 1981 and 1996. As of this writing, millennials are currently between the ages of 23 and 38 years old. Unlike young adults in this age range from say, The Silent Generation (born 1928-1935), millennials have far more complex financial issues to address on a daily basis.
For starters, they were born into a totally different world than their early 20th century counterparts. They deal with more pressure and greater responsibilities at earlier ages than ever before in history. Today’s millennials need solutions for personal finance problems for the fast-paced technological world in which they live. Compared to people their age 80 years ago, millennials deal with far more student loan debt, retirement savings concerns, child care costs, and other personal finance matters.
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