Foxquilt – Smarter Business Insurance

Finding the right business insurance can be a challenge. At Foxquilt, a leading Insurance Technology Company, insurance is a service, and as such, they are committed to the needs of each and every client. Foxquilt’s team of insurance experts works to get you the right insurance for your business at a better price. Not only can the professionals at Foxquilt help you find the insurance you need for your business, they can also assist with your home and auto insurance as well.

If you think that you are paying too much for insurance, Foxquilt can help. Purchase smarter, customized insurance with savings of up to 35% from many of the leading insurance carriers. These savings are enjoyed via lower premiums and deductibles, as well as lower renewal fees. Find insurance online for your business, home or vehicles without having to leave the comfort of your home.


  • Unique insurance model – Foxquilt empowers individual customers and businesses by connecting them with online communities to access group buying power.
  • Innovative technology – Their progressive and unique underwriting platform controls smart data and machine intelligence in order to provide the best insurance products for each client.
  • Commitment to community – Foxquilt believes in the strength of community, and they know that there is power in numbers. In addition to bringing people and businesses together, they regularly give back with community events.
  • Five-star customer service – Foxquilt strives to provide its clients with simple ways to save money and new innovative insurance products. The dedicated team is available for support and is committed to always advocating for their clients. Reach them through the website, by phone, or on various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Products and Services

There are many different coverages available for small business. Some of the most common types are as follows:

General Liability

A General Liability insurance policy is an essential part of every business plan. Unfortunately, liability claims are not uncommon, and the costs associated with one can be insurmountable for a small business. This type of policy will help to cover any claim that may arise such as bodily harm, property damage, and defense against a lawsuit.


Fraud, employee dishonesty and theft are not usually covered by your general liability policy. Although no one wants to think of their employees or volunteer workers as threats, crime within your business organization can happen, and a crime policy will give you peace of mind in the event that it occurs.

Professional Liability

This type of insurance policy is also sometimes called malpractice insurance. A Professional Liability insurance policy will protect you and your business in the event that a customer makes a complaint against you for wrongful practice or failing to provide an expected service. Any healthcare professionals such as doctors and nurses, dentists, and physical therapists are usually required to have a malpractice insurance policy in order to operate legally. Other professions that may need to consider a Professional Liability policy include tech companies, entrepreneurs and entertainment companies.

Commercial Property

If your business owns, leases or rents a commercial space or any type of building, you need to have a Commercial Property policy. This policy will cover damages to the building itself, as well as the contents such as furniture and fixtures, equipment, and inventory. Fire, tornados, water-damage and vandalism are all examples of events that would be covered under a Commercial Property insurance policy.


Legal fees, medical expenses or damages can all potentially exceed the limits of your other policies. An umbrella policy is a low-cost way to provide your business with extra protection to pay charges that may be incurred above the amount provided by your standard policies.

Click here for more information on what types of insurance policies Foxquilt can offer you.


Every business has unique and custom needs, and as a result, pricing will vary depending on many factors. The professional team at Foxquilt will work diligently to make sure that you are getting the best price possible for your individual insurance needs, whether it is for your business, your home or your vehicle.

Their unique approach to providing insurance allows Foxquilt to offer up to a 35% discount off other plans. The savings are reflected in lower premiums, lower deductibles, and even better renewal rates for customers.

Find out how Foxquilt can help you save money and get the coverage you need with a free quote. Visit the website here!

Frequently Asked Questions About Foxquilt

What makes Foxquilt different from other insurance companies?

Foxquilt is different from other insurance companies because they use innovative technology to create customized coverage to fit the needs of you and your business. By connecting their clients with community and using a dynamic underwriting platform, Foxquilt harnesses the power of a group buying model.

Who does Foxquilt insure?

Many different types of businesses can find the right insurance for them through Foxquilt. From entrepreneurs to professionals, tech companies to manufacturers, they have products for nearly everyone. For a complete list of who Foxquilt typically insures, visit their website here!

How much insurance do I need for my small business?

If you are just learning about business insurance, it can seem pretty complicated, and because every business is different, there isn’t really just one answer to the question. In general, a business should consider at least a $1,000,000 general liability policy. This is only a minimum though, and with so many factors to consider when making the important decisions regarding which types of policies you should invest in, talking to the experts at Foxquilt can help you as you determine exactly what is best for you and your business.

Does Foxquilt offer more than Business Insurance?

Yes, Foxquilt also offers home and automobile insurance. And you can bundle all of your policies together to save even more money off of their already great prices.

For more information on Foxquilt and their services, please visit:

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