Articles About Credit Scores

How to protect yourself from online financial fraud

As consumers turn to the internet for online shopping, video conferencing, and managing transactions online, there is a high possibility of falling victim to cybercrime. Luckily, you can protect yourself from online fraud by taking certain actions.

How to get relief from debt and improve your credit

When debt is incurred, you are essentially borrowing money from your future income and therefore reducing your future standard of living. By minimizing the amount of debt that you owe, you will be better able to save for the future and will ensure that you are able to provide all of the necessities for both yourself and your family.

Personal vs. Business Credit Scores in Canada

Personal vs. Business Credit Scores

A good credit profile makes a huge difference in the financial success of any business. How a business maintains its credit is reported to credit bureaus just like personal credit. Likewise, this information is used to create a numeric business credit score, which lenders use as an indicator of creditworthiness. A solid score also builds...
How to Establish a Good Business Credit Score in Canada

How to Build Your Business Credit in Canada

Learn how business credit is determined, what you’ll use it for and how you can make sure your score puts you on the right footing with prospective business loan lenders.

How to Improve Your Credit Score in Canada

How to Improve Your Credit Score: Step by Step Guide

Every Canadian has a credit score, but most of us have a pretty foggy understanding of what they mean and how they work. Despite this veil of secrecy, there are a number of simple best practices you can employ to improve your credit score over time. If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a stable financial future!

Personal Finance Management for Millennials Made Easy

There is a large number of graduates raised in homes where money management was not a topic of discussion on a regular basis. But not all is lost by a long shot. It is absolutely possible to enjoy life as a young adult and practice wise personal finance management at the same time.

Canadian Credit Score Averages

A good credit score is one of the most valuable tools in the box when it comes to financial management. In addition to providing purchasing power, credit is important since potential employers and landlords also take a look at it to make approval decisions. These are reasons Canadians should know their credit score and work to keep it as high as possible.

Comparing Credit Score Averages in Canada and the United States

Maintaining a healthy, if not perfect, credit score should be a top financial priority. What are the average credit scores for people in Canada and the United States? Are there differences in how scores are calculated in these countries?

Tips on How to Improve your Credit Score – Part 2

We will now focus on what exactly we can do to either maintain our good credit score or get out of a bad situation. Note that not all debt is created equally, and precedence should be given to those debts that will have a hefty effect on you and which will cost you more to haul.

Tips on How to Improve Your Credit Score – Part 1

Perhaps the most important variable which impacts your score is your payment history. In fact, according to many, your payment history comprises 35% of your total credit score and is considered to be the most fundamental factor when it comes to calculating your credit score.