Shaken, but Not Shattered – The Outlook for VC Funding in Canada in 2021
But it is not all doom and gloom in the Canadian startup scene, thanks to a quite mature and well-developed VC ecosystem. This article will take an early look at the state of the Canadian VC landscape in 2021, coming on the heels of a year unlike any in living memory.
Canada Immigration for Entrepreneurs – The Startup Visa Program in 2021 for High Caliber Entrepreneurs
Canada has emerged as a top destination for immigrants, particularly entrepreneurs in recent years. Government initiatives like the Startup Visa program actively encourage talented and driven individuals to consider setting up their business in Canada. That is just the icing on the proverbial cake – Canada also has a lot going for it elsewhere making it a top destination for immigrants.
Canada Retail Trends in 2021 – A Story of Hope and Despair
COVID 19 dealt a body blow to the Canadian retail sector in 2020. This is the “new normal” and it will continue to influence retail trends across Canada (and much of the globe) for the foreseeable future. Here are the top retail trends to look forward to in Canada in 2021.