Mortage loans are now extremely easy and fast to acquire in Nova Scotia. First time home buyers or shoppers who need cash to purchase their next commercial or residential property are turning towards mortgage loans. Nowadays, mortage loans with alternative lending companies are the go-to solution for financing a home in Nova Scotia. Getting a mortage loan approved in Nova Scotia is easy. You do not need to wait in line anymore or fill out a bunch of unnecessary paperwork. Nowadays, all it requires you to do is to fill out an online application form. Afterwards, within just a few days, you can find your mortgage loan being sent to you. Here at Smarter Loans, we’ve done most of the ground work for you. We’ve compiled a list of trusted companies to receive mortgage loans from.
Take a look and explore your options. Usually we suggest you consider what products they are offering, interest rates, terms, qualifications, and customer reviews. Once you pick the best loan that fits your situation, hit the “Apply Now” button next to the company’s name. You will be redirected to their website where you will be requiried to fill out an online mortgage loan application form. An alternative at Smarter Loans is to pre-apply for the loan through us. We would match you up with the best lendor for your situation. After 24-48 hours, they would reach out to you to finish processing your request.
The type and size of mortgage you want dictate what qualification criteria you must meet to get a mortgage on a Nova Scotian property. For residential mortgages, traditional lenders usually require: proof of employment, a minimum credit score (standard is 600), and a minimum down payment (usually 5%). Other lenders may have more forgiving eligibility requirements; for example, if you have a lower credit score, but have high income, then you still have options. The level of your income, size of mortgage you’re seeking, existing debt and other financial factors will all play a part in determining how much you can borrow.
Commercial mortgages have more complex requirements, relating to the financial position of the business. To qualify for a commercial mortgage, businesses must be able to sh
Amy Orr is a professional writer and editor with over 10 years of experience in the Canadian, U.S. and U.K. financial markets. She has written for numerous publications on topics as diverse as economic literacy, corporate finance, and technical analysis of numerical data. Prior to transitioning to full-time writing, she worked in the hedge fund sector. Her academic background is astrophysics, and she has a Masters in Finance from the University of Edinburgh Business School.
Jenna West is Smarter Loans' in-house financial writer and content director. She has been covering the Canadian FinTech and finance industry since 2017, including financial trends analysis, industry surveys, regulatory updates and changes in Canadian consumer behaviour when it comes to finance.