How to build credit for your kids in Canada
During college years, this is the best time to get your kids started on the process of building credit. Once they graduate, credit generally makes getting started easier. Even if they get a good job, it’s going to be at least one year before banks and landlords take them seriously as a responsible adult. There are some things you can do to help them start the process.
Is There a Minimum Credit Score for Renting an Apartment in Canada in 2022?
Most landlords and rental companies check the credit scores of potential tenants as part of their application process. But is there a minimum credit score requirement for renting an apartment in Canada? Here’s what you need to know about credit scores and renting in 2022.
What is a Good Credit Score in Canada?
A good credit score can go a long way in Canada when it comes to getting approved for a credit card, line of credit, or loan. So if you’re planning to borrow funds or apply for any type of credit, you should know what a good credit score looks like.
Comparing Credit Score Averages in Canada and the United States
Maintaining a healthy, if not perfect, credit score should be a top financial priority. What are the average credit scores for people in Canada and the United States? Are there differences in how scores are calculated in these countries?