Bus & Coach Financing and Leasing Ontario, Canada

Ontario is one of the top provinces in Canada with over 13 million citizens that populate it. You can imagine that buses and coach buses are a large part in the commute process for many of them. If you are looking to invest in a bus or coach, chances are you’ll have to look towards some form of bus and coach financing to invest in one. At Smarter Loans, we’ve have helped countless applicants connect with reliable bus and coach loan providers with tons of experience serving them. They have managed to help applicants acquire buses like school buses, coach buses, party buses, airport buses and even campaign buses. Our efforts involved with our providers have led to a totally restructured application process where most of our applicants are approved within days of applying. Even if you have a low credit score, our providers will judge your application beyond those factors.

They have expressed a ton of interest in trying to expand their roster and being flexible with their terms to meet the demands of our applicants. In the comfort of your own, you can choose to apply towards one of our providers in Ontario. Smarter Loans operates as a loan directory where we have curated the information needed for applicants to make a wise decision. We pride ourselves in our loan directory by constantly updating it with information like customer reviews and updated interest rates. To find out which providers we work with in Ontario, feel free to see the list below. Click on the “Apply Now” next to the company’s name you to apply towards.

If you can’t seem to narrow your options, then just pre-apply at Smarter Loans instead. A team member of ours will review your application and assist you in finding a provider that suits your needs.

Ontario Facts

  • On the average, an hourly wage rate in Ontario is at $30.
  • As per the latest available information, there are 3,602,000 registered home owners in Ontario.
  • Employment rate is 60%.
  • Based on the latest stats, an average resident of Ontario earns $47,400 per month.
  • On the average, consumer debt in Ontario is at the level of $23,000.
This data was researched in 2019 and uses various information resources, including Canada’s National Statistics Agency, etc., where the information can be as of an older date. The facts above may change as new information becomes available. We do our best to keep the information up to date.

Our online portal provides you with access to the right Bus Loan lenders in Ontario for your borrowing needs.

Browse our directory of Bus Loan companies to find the most current Bus Loan rates in Ontario.

Bus Loans are commonly utilized for

  • purchasing a new or used bus or coach
  • getting the bus you need for your business
  • Canadians with good and poor credit
  • purchasing a bus anywhere in Canada
  • financing a single bus or a bus fleet for business use

Elite Trusted Lenders

These companies are recognized for their excellent service, product offering and financial literacy education for all Canadians.