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How to supercharge your investment portfolio with robo-advisors

Technology-driven asset management companies are redefining the wealth management industry. The term “robo-advisors” is no longer an alien term, with more and more people joining the automated-investing bandwagon. Since their inception in 2008, robo advisors have come a long way from being a financial advisor’s tool to the preferred method of investing among regular investors.

Canadian Mortgage Stress Test FAQs

On January 1, 2018 the Canadian government applied new guidelines to the Mortgage Stress Test (MST). Basic requirements were already in place for borrowers who put less than a 20% down payment on their home mortgage loan. With the new test guidelines, all conventional mortgage loan borrowers became subject to the new revisions regardless of the down payment amount. The changes included a number of other stringent rules for federally governed lenders to approve mortgages.

Chequing vs Savings Account

Chequing vs Savings Account

Bank accounts are the gateway to an endless array of financial services, including investments. But which type of account provides the best advantages and benefits? Ask yourself purposeful questions like the above and read this blog post about checking and savings accounts to learn more about how to spend, save and safeguard your hard-earned money!

How to Avoid CMHC Insurance Fees

Ways to Avoid CMHC Insurance Fees

For a large of number of Canadian homeowners, a portion of their monthly mortgage payment goes toward a mandatory CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) fee. It is automatically added to the payment to cover mortgage default insurance. The result is an increase in the amount due every month. But there are creative ways to lower or avoid CMHC insurance for those who are required to have it in place.

Canada Prime Rate Explained

What is the Prime Rate?

The cost of credit is not exactly free, yet borrowers do save tons of money with prime interest rate loans. We’ve researched predictors of changes in prime rates and share that information to help you make sound financial decisions that will cost you the least money.

Buying a home in Canada - Guide for Newcomers

How do you Buy a Home as a Newcomer to Canada?

If Canada is a place you want to call home over the long-term, buying a home here makes a lot of sense. Here are the three most important factors lenders consider when considering whether to lend to someone who’s new to Canada to buy a home.

Personal Finance Management for Millennials Made Easy

There is a large number of graduates raised in homes where money management was not a topic of discussion on a regular basis. But not all is lost by a long shot. It is absolutely possible to enjoy life as a young adult and practice wise personal finance management at the same time.

Buying a House as a Single Lady at Age 24

If you’re in the market for a house and don’t know where to start, here are 5 lessons that Liz Enriquez shares about how she bought her first home as a newly-single person in 2016 at age 24.

The Pros and Cons of Putting Down 20% on a House

Should you put 20% down on your down payment? At the end of the day, there are pros and cons to everything, and Liz Enriquez, who bought her first house at age 24, shares the tips she used toward homeownership in order for you to make the most informed decision for yourself.

Low Interest Business Loans for Entrepreneurs

No two businesses are alike, and the same goes for their financing options. One common misconception is that unconventional borrowers should accept any loan for which they can qualify. But there are many other lending options from which to choose before making a loan commitment.